Have any pressing questions that aren’t answered anywhere else on the site?

Here are some frequently asked questions we get from customers. Hopefully, the answer you’re looking for is somewhere among these questions.

Still in doubt? Art Farms wants your questions! Contact us today and we’ll update this page with the most frequent questions.


What’s the difference between your veggies and the ones I get at the convenience store?

We can’t vouch for the produce being sold at your local market or convenience store, but Art Farms produce supplies 100% certified organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables via sustainable farming. Find out more in our Greenhouse section.

Why should I eat fruits and vegetables?

The list of benefits to your body by consuming fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is too long to go into detail. There’s such a wide variety of ways to consume them that there’s really no excuse. If you’d like to know the specific benefits of each produce, visit our Products section.

Who is Art Farms?

Art Farms has been one of the largest produce suppliers in the Ontario for over 30 years. If you’d like to know more about who we are and what we do, please visit the About Us section.

How do I prepare vegetables? Can I eat them raw?

The beauty of tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers is how versatile they are. You can eat them raw in a salad, or as pizza toppings, in a risotto, with wild rice, grilled over a BBQ… there’s no end to what you can do. Check out or recipes section to get started!

How can I tell a “good” green vegetable from one that’s spoiled?

Green vegetables will wilt after a couple days, especially if they’re unpackaged. You can revitalize them by soaking their stems in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. This does not always work; if your leafy greens still look droopy after soaking, go ahead and toss them. You can learn more in our Produce section.